Recurrence, emotion and appropriateness in English and Spanish. The language of tourism on promotional websites



specialised translation, tourism translation, tourism promotion web-language, tourism corpus, translation appropriateness, translation teaching


This article is intended to explore online tourism texts in English and Spanish with the aim of observing language in use as a guide to base translation teaching strategies on real web contents. In such regard, teaching is conceived from a process-analytical approach, with cognitive and pragmatic tendencies in frequent terms to be both identified and examined for prototypicality and appropriateness purposes. Corpus analysis is the method used for recurring and relevant items to be located and analysed in context. The results show that studying frequency in combination with positiveness in both languages helps to reach genuine and quality translations in tourism specialised discourse


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How to Cite

Llorens Simón, E. M. (2022). Recurrence, emotion and appropriateness in English and Spanish. The language of tourism on promotional websites. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 28(1), 75–90. Retrieved from



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