The design of foreign-language learning activities: from the initial sketch to the classroom



foreign language teaching and learning, learning activities, adaptation, materials development


Foreign language learning activities constitute a part of a teaching unit especially designed for a specific context and their design involves a production cycle spanning from the identification of a need to the evaluation of the materials. This paper analyses the adaptations carried out in three samples of materials, each one with a specific focus: the development of language awareness, oral production, and the learning of new language items. The analysis of the materials under development and the comparison with their underlying theoretical background allowed the verification of the coherence between the activity’s purpose and its design so that feedback can be provided with a view to improving them. Awareness of the relevance of the theoretical and pedagogic backgrounds that support the design of the activities results in greater efficacy and, ultimately, in in a positive impact on learning.


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How to Cite

López Barrios, M. L. (2023). The design of foreign-language learning activities: from the initial sketch to the classroom. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 29, 22–37. Retrieved from