Constitutive metaphor and mental mappings: meaning construction in the language of science and technology


  • Pilar Durán-Escribano Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Georgina Cuadrado-Esclapez Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


languages for specific purposes, linguistics, applied linguistics, specialised discourse, discourse studies, pragmatics, language teaching, translation, interpreting, English for specific purposes, pedagogy


The study of scientific and technical language, where metaphor is central, is enriched by the cognitive linguistics approach. This paper is based on the research project that culminated in the Bilingual Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Metaphors and Metonymies, developed to depict metaphorical terms and mental mappings, thus unfolding cognitive metaphors in science and technology. Although terminological metaphors as a whole exceed widely in number those that constitute part of conceptual metaphors, the importance of the latter radicates in its relevance as a constitutive element of scientific thought and language. Focusing on the analysis of metaphorical terms from earth sciences, agronomy, and mechanical engineering, the study reveals the presence of several conceptual metaphors, typified as ‘humanizing’, ‘organicist’, and ‘objectual’, according to their source domain’s nature. The work presents some very productive conceptual metaphorical patterns found in knowledge representation in engineering, in English and in Spanish, and shows evidence that metaphorical reasoning is a mechanism present at the core of creative scientific development albeit certain socio-cultural variations. This contribution opens a door for further research on the role of metaphor in constructing meaning within all branches of science and technology, as well as on the study of knowledge representation variations in different languages and cultures.


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How to Cite

Durán-Escribano, P., & Cuadrado-Esclapez, G. (2017). Constitutive metaphor and mental mappings: meaning construction in the language of science and technology. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 23(1), 83–107. Retrieved from

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