The Relative Clauses of Antecedent Incorporated in the 20th Century: Variation quien(es)/el que




historical sociolinguistics, variationist analysis, relative clauses, ego-documents, linguistic change


This paper examines the alternation of the pronouns quien/el que in the relative clauses with antecedent of human reference in the 20th century. Based on a corpus of ego-documents (mainly private letters, but also diaries and memoirs), and from a variationist methodology, the study analizes the linguistic and sociolinguistic factors that favour the gradual recovery of constructions with quien as opposed to the still dominant use of the forms with the article. The research shows that the structural factors that had been decisive for the survival of these constructions in the 18th and 19th centuries are the ones that favour the change of trend, as well as the incidence of the sociolectal factor that points to the so-called change from above.

Supporting Agencies

This article is part of a research project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain [Project code: PID2021-122597NB-I00].


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Vellón Lahoz, Universitat Jaume I

Fco. Javier Vellón Lahoz is Associate Professor of Spanish Language at the Department of Philology and European Cultures of the Universitat Jaume I. He belongs to the research groups “Sociolingüística” and “Lenguas y Culturas Europeas y Nuevos Lenguajes Literarios y Audiovisuales”. In the field of historical sociolinguistics, he has published works focused on the diachrony of modal periphrases, on relative clauses, both inanimate antecedent and person clauses, and on temporal locative adverbs.


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How to Cite

Vellón Lahoz, F. J. (2023). The Relative Clauses of Antecedent Incorporated in the 20th Century: Variation quien(es)/el que. Philologica Canariensia, 29, 387–411.


