Narratives of Cultural Diversity in the 16th Century. On the Historical Notes of Fray Diego de Guadix




cultural diversity, otherness, lexicography, Diego de Guadix, 16th century


The diversity of ideas and values between different societies neither can be reduced nor judged as a cultural element from another society, being the only important matter that makes sense within that same culture. From this perspective, this article analyses the dictionary of Diego de Guadix (ca. 1593) to find out how through his narrative this author describes different socio-cultural systems and speaks of the “Others” from an ethnocentric “We”, based on a unilinear socio-religious concept.


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Author Biography

María Águeda Moreno Moreno, Universidad de Jaén

María Águeda Moreno Moreno holds a PhD in Hispanic Philology and a Master’s degree in Dictionary Development and Quality Control of the Spanish Lexicon. Itinerary: Historical dictionaries. In her scientific career she has three accredited 6-year period of research and five autonomic complements granted by the Junta de Andalucía (Regional Government of Andalusia). She is the director of the Research Group “Seminario de Lexicografía Hispánica” (HUM922), within which she develops the following lines of research: (1) Lexicography of Spanish and Metalexicography; History and historiography of lexicography; (2) Dialectology of Spanish: Dialectology of Andalusian speech; (3) Textual edition: Edition of non-literary texts. History of the language; and (4) Teaching Spanish as L1 and L2.


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How to Cite

Moreno Moreno, M. Águeda. (2023). Narratives of Cultural Diversity in the 16th Century. On the Historical Notes of Fray Diego de Guadix. Philologica Canariensia, 29, 259–276.


