Cognitive Grammar and the Phraseology Translation




phraseology, cognitivism, translatology, comparative linguistics, language teaching


Language teaching as a discipline of Translation and Interpreting must be based on comparative linguistics, since the contrastive study of language is key to being able to study in depth both the aspects that unite and differentiate the languages, in our case Spanish-German. One of its greatest challenges is the internalisation of phraseology with the aim of transmitting the (re)cognition of phraseological units for their eventual translation. In this article we show the current state of research in this respect, as well as practical examples of some resources and strategies involved in the teaching of phraseology and grammar for translation and interpreting from a cognitivist perspective.


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Author Biographies

M.ª Ángeles Recio Ariza, Universidad de Salamanca

M.ª Ángeles Recio Ariza is Associate Professor in the Department of Translation and Interpreting at the Universidad de Salamanca and a member of the teaching staff of the Official Language Schools. Her main areas of research are phraseology and cognitivism, as well as foreign language teaching from a translatological point of view. Author of numerous national and international publications, she has collaborated in several research projects. She is co-founder and co-director of the journal CLINA, director of the Guidance Service of the Universidad de Salamanca (2011-2014) and coordinator of the E-Sphaera Group and the FOCO Collaborative Portal. She has also taught courses and lectured at prestigious universities in Germany, Czech Republic, and Serbia.

J. Agustín Torijano Pérez, Universidad de Salamanca

J. Agustín Torijano Pérez is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Translation and Documentation of the Universidad de Salamanca, where he teaches Spanish Language for Translators in undergraduate and double degrees as well as in several university master's degrees. His lines of research range from the teaching/learning process of second languages to studies on lexical and phraseological etymology, as well as the diachronic study of neologisms, all in the field of translation. He is the author or co-author of several dictionaries and works on grammatical normative and has collaborated with the Real Academia Española (Royal Spanish Academy) in the volume Nueva gramática de la lengua española: Fonética y fonología (2011).


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How to Cite

Recio Ariza, M. Ángeles, & Torijano Pérez, J. A. (2023). Cognitive Grammar and the Phraseology Translation. Philologica Canariensia, 29, 307–324.


