The Transgression of the Letter. Poetics and Feminism in Cristina Peri Rossi




Cristina Peri Rossi, poetry, female writing, transgression, feminist literary criticism


This article investigates the transgressive will of female and feminist poetry in the poetic work of the writer Cristina Peri Rossi, who has recognized pursuing an ethical will of writing to face the injustices of her time. Recently, she has been awarded the Cervantes Prize 2021, the most important award in Spanish-language literature, granted by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, which is given to the recognition of an entire literary career. The objective of this essay has been to verify how in many of her verses Cristina Peri Rossi, aided by the word poetic, puts together a discursive strategy against the prevailing machismo and misogyny. A large part of the Rossinian poetic work is articulated as well as a space of resistance facing an androcentric canon that has made female writing impossible and invisible. Not in vain, Peri Rossi’s writing project was originally born as a transgression of the female fatum, conquering the place of enunciation, taking the poetic voice and subverting through language the writing that had been denied to her.


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Author Biography

Zaradat Domínguez Galván, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Zaradat Domínguez Galván holds a PhD in Hispanic Philology and is Adjunct Professor at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Her doctoral thesis Realidad y artificio: la escritura crónica de María Moreno obtained the highest qualification. Her publications include: “Cuerpo y texto. Reflexiones en torno a la teoría literaria de Hélène Cixous” (2019), “Sexualidad y resistencia en Panfleto: Erótica y feminismo, de María Moreno” (2021) and “Microrrelatistas latinoamericanas. Una aproximación a la identidad de género en sus obras” (2021). As a disseminator of literature written by women, she has coordinated the project “Con letra de mujer” of the City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the creation of the “Ciclo Literatura y Mujer” in the Gran Canaria Island Library. 


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How to Cite

Domínguez Galván, Z. (2023). The Transgression of the Letter. Poetics and Feminism in Cristina Peri Rossi. Philologica Canariensia, 29, 137–153.


