Resultative Constructions in Spanish. A Syntactico-Semantic Characterisation
resultative construction, secondary predication, attribute, change of stateAbstract
Due to its low level of productivity in Spanish, the resultative construction has almost gone unnoticed in the Spanish linguistic studies, where either its existence has been completely denied or it has been considered a fake resultative pattern, being just similar to its English counterpart in form. In order to prove, however, that the resultative construction is a clausal structure with an autonomy of its own in Spanish and that it deserves being studied as such, this paper analyses five of its distinguishing syntactic, semantic and pragmatic traits, with no resemblance in English: (i) the global meaning of the construction; (ii) the semantic classes of verbs most recurrent in it; (iii) the preference that the resultative attribute shows both for the prepositional form and for its anteposition to its logical subject; and, finally, (iv) its tendency to be modified by adverbial intensifiers.
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