Good Editorial Practices in Gender Equality


Philologica Canariensia is committed to promoting equality between men and women, giving visibility to women’s scientific work, and encouraging the use of gender-inclusive language in academic publications. This commitment has been incorporated by means of the following actions:

  1. The presence of 40% or more women on the Editorial Team, taking into account all positions and elective bodies measured jointly.
  2. A minimum of 40% of women as reviewers of the submissions to the journal.
  3. Specific recommendations in favour of the use of gender-inclusive and non-sexist language in articles, research notes, and book reviews, as stated in the section Author Guidelines, where it is advisable to consult the Guidelines for the Use of Non-Sexist Languages.
  4. The inclusion of the full name of the authors of the published works, avoiding initials, particles, and abbreviations.
  5. The recommendation to the authors of studies using research data that include the sex variable to report on whether the conclusions have taken into account possible sex differences. See Author Guidelines.