Legal, scientific and educational analysis of the use of shared teaching in the secondary educational stage in the Canary Islands



inclusive education, co-teaching, schoolchildren, educational support


Inclusive education is a legal right that no institution - or faculty - should question or ignore. Faced with this situation, shared teaching has been positioned as a methodological strategy that can contribute to really achieving this right. Therefore, the objective of the manuscript was to analyze at a legal, scientific and educational level the use of shared teaching in the Secondary Education stage in the autonomous community of the Canary Islands. In short, it could be said that shared teaching is under the protection of the national and regional legal framework. At the scientific level, shared teaching offers a response to the educational needs presented by students. At an educational level, in the autonomous community of the Canary Islands there are several programs developed by the Ministry of Education in which shared teaching acquires a leading role to carry them out satisfactorily.


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How to Cite

Carrillo López, P. J., & García Perujo, M. (2021). Legal, scientific and educational analysis of the use of shared teaching in the secondary educational stage in the Canary Islands: El G U I N I G U a D a, (30), 154–167. Retrieved from


