Active methodologies for a transmedia didactics of Language and Literature
The present work justifies the use of active methodologies in Didactics of Language and Literature. The main target of this study aims to present a selection of proposed examples based on Project Based Learning (PBL) in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate courses from a series of variables and descriptors of the same that allow us to identify constitutive elements of all of them. The theoretical framework, based on Order ECD / 65/2015, of January 21st, makes it possible to highlight which procedural and jurisdictional aspects are consolidated thanks to the proposals analyzed, based on previous initiatives contributed by Gómez Trigueros and Ruiz Bañuls (2017, 2018 ). Competition and interdisciplinary learning (García-Peñalvo and Ramírez, 2017) favors the horizontal development of new procedures and knowledge that have their maximum exponent in active methodologies
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