Una revisión sistemática de juegos serios para el desarrollo de las destrezas lectoras de los niños. A Systematic Review of Serious Games for Children’s Reading Skills’ development. A Systematic Review of Serious Games for Children’s Reading Skills’ devel






This article provides a review of the efficacy of serious games’ use in reading instruction throughout the previous fifteen years. Through utilizing the relevant search criteria, the revision looked for research that was published between 2007 and 2022. ERIC, ProQuest, Scopus, Springer and Web of Science were the databases that were looked at. Both conventional teaching techniques and videogames have been shown to be helpful according to the few studies that have been conducted on the topic being neither of the approaches presumably more beneficial to pupils. Nevertheless, students have more fun and they tend to retain more material over the long term when games are included. Although the use of games as a method of instruction might be regarded as a valid option, users should proceed with caution when using certain games that have not been subjected to an objective evaluation.


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Author Biographies

Juan Pedro Tacoronte Sosa, Consejería de Desarrollo Educativo y Formación Profesional. Junta de Andalucía.

PhD (c) in Education, MFL teacher at Junta de Andalucía and translator specialised in audiovisual translation, video games and literature. Main areas of research and interest encompass: Educational technology, gamification, video games and education, teaching reading skills, innovation in general and especially in language teaching methodologies.

Mª Ángeles Peña Hita, Universidad de Jaén

Profesora Contratada Doctora del Departamento de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Jaén.



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How to Cite

Tacoronte Sosa, J. P., & Peña Hita, M. Ángeles. (2023). Una revisión sistemática de juegos serios para el desarrollo de las destrezas lectoras de los niños. A Systematic Review of Serious Games for Children’s Reading Skills’ development. A Systematic Review of Serious Games for Children’s Reading Skills’ devel: 10.20420/ElGuiniguada.2023.632. El G U I N I G U a D a, (32), 79–92. Retrieved from https://ojsspdc.ulpgc.es/ojs/index.php/ElGuiniguada/article/view/1603


