Attitude and assertiveness in the classroom in the use of spoken Catalan



language attitude, assertiveness, Primary Education, Catalan, Teaching practice in schools


This research analyses attitude and assertiveness in the use of spoken Catalan in the classroom by 44 Primary Education undergraduates from the University of Barcelona and the Rovira i Virgili University during their teaching practice in 34 schools during the academic year 2021–2022. Quantitative and qualitative data were compared to determine the results of training in language assertiveness during the teaching practice, using an observation questionnaire completed twice by the school tutors before (Q1) and after the training (Q2). Quantitatively, there is a statistically significant difference between Q2 and Q1 in two of the four dimensions studied: the frequency with which Catalan is used and the language competence of the trainee teachers. Qualitatively, we analysed the strategies these trainees used to foster the use of Catalan in class: in Q2, we observe an increase in the more assertive strategies and a decrease in the less assertive ones.


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Author Biographies

Agnès Rius-Escudé, Universitat de Barcelona

Doctorate in Catalan Philology and research master’s degree in language and literature teaching from the Universitat de Barcelona. Since 2009 she has lectured at the Faculty of Education at the Universitat de Barcelona and since 2020 held the position of Serra Hunter assistant lecturer. She is an active researcher and is part of different teaching research an innovation projects. Her teaching and research interests have focused firstly on the study of the spoken language from the point of view of pronunciation of sounds of Catalan in spontaneous speech and reading aloud; and secondly on developing oral teaching methods in the educational sphere for learning Catalan as a first language and as a foreign language.


Carles Royo i Bieto, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Doctor of Linguistics at the Universitat de Barcelona, with a master’s degree in Language Correction and Consultancy from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. From 2011 to 2017 he lectured in the Faculty of Education at the Universitat de Barcelona. Since 2017 he has belonged to the Department of Catalan Philology at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, where he currently holds a position as an assistant lecturer and is an active researcher. His teaching and research interests combine two complementary fields linked to Catalan: on the one hand, teaching innovation and language teaching, in order to get students to take part in a more efficient learning process, and on the other language research related to the argumentative and eventive structure of predicates, especially psychological predicates.

Iban Mañas Navarrete, Universitat de les Illes Balears

Doctorate in language teaching. He is an assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Philology at the Universitat de les Illes Balears. He is a member of the BASLA (UIB) and ELBEC (UAB) research groups. His research interests centre on language acquisition and language development in contexts of simultaneous and sequential bilingualism and the quantitative processing of language data. He is collaborating on different research projects into language skills development and literacy in the sphere of intervention andevidence-based practice in language education.


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How to Cite

Rius-Escudé, A., Royo i Bieto, C., & Mañas Navarrete, I. (2024). Attitude and assertiveness in the classroom in the use of spoken Catalan . El G U I N I G U a D a, (33), 245–260. Retrieved from


