Bewertungsinstrument für die Analyse von Materialien de Niveaustufen A1 bis B1 der Kurse „Deutsch aks Fremdsprache“



language teaching, teaching material, materials analysis, CEFR levels, evaluation tool



The contents offered by the didactic materials do not necessarily correspond to those required for reference levels A1 to B1 of the German language according to the Goethe Institut definitions. The lowest requiered level for professional purposes is B1, which provides some freedom in terms of the order of presentation of content for material designers such as large publishers. By applying a quantitative assessment tool to three educational materials from different publishers, it is verified that the degree of content coverage required by the Goethe Institut increases if the contents treated between levels A1 to B1 are computed together. Even so, the results have revealed that none of the materials studied meets a satisfactory percentage in terms of the totality of what is required by the Goethe Institute.









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How to Cite

Velasco Arranz, B. (2022). Bewertungsinstrument für die Analyse von Materialien de Niveaustufen A1 bis B1 der Kurse „Deutsch aks Fremdsprache“. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 28(2), 204–220. Retrieved from