“I Found Three Words to Play With Today: Exact, Eccentric, Extreme”: The Performance Effect in Nadine Alemán’s Stories





Argentine Patagonia narrative, Nadine Alemán, short stories, performance effect, languages


Current Argentinean Patagonian narrative possesses Nadine Alemán (Esquel, 1977) as one of its most suggestive and creative voices. This assertion is based on her capacity to construct a narrative imaginary that produces performance effects, derived from the confluence and evocation of other languages that can be found in the literary reception of 17 simples cuentos (2006) and of El cura y la sucia (2012). The traditional boundaries that tend to restrict literature to a specific field of critical action seem, in consequence, to become fuzzy. Thus, performance —as a “methodological lense”, according to Diana Taylor— is made into a certain possibility that widens perspectives to approach this Spanish American writing proposal.


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Author Biography

Cristián Basso Benelli, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, Chile

Cristián Basso Benelli holds a Master in Literature, with mention in Spanish American and Chilean Literature (Universidad de Chile), a Bachelor in Education and Professor of Secondary Education in Spanish (Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez). He works as an associate professor of literature in the Department of Spanish at the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (Santiago de Chile), where he is also a member of the Academic Faculty of the Master’s Program in Teaching of Language and Literature. He is currently preparing his doctoral thesis on Gabriela Mistral’s work.


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How to Cite

Basso Benelli, C. (2021). “I Found Three Words to Play With Today: Exact, Eccentric, Extreme”: The Performance Effect in Nadine Alemán’s Stories. Philologica Canariensia, 27, 27–47. https://doi.org/10.20420/Phil.Can.2021.374


