Concha Méndez and the Cartoons: Walt Disney’s Silly Symphonies in El Carbón y la Rosa (1935)




literature and cinema, cartoons, Concha Méndez, children's theatre, Walt Disney


 In the 1920s and 1930s in Spain, several authors expressed their admiration for cartoons in their literary texts. Among the works that were inspired by these films, the children’s theatre piece El Carbón y la Rosa (1935), which Concha Méndez published in Madrid, stands out. Besides that, the writer made explicit the link of this text with Walt Disney’s animated films and the influence of the short films that belong to the Silly Symphonies can be seen in it. For this reason, this work aims to analyze how Méndez was inspired by them to create a theatrical play full of color, music and an anthropomorphic nature with the aim to wonder children.

Supporting Agencies

This article was made possible thanks to a grant “Margarita Salas for the Training of Young Doctors” awarded by the Ministry of Universities of the Government of Spain through the Universidad de La Laguna (Order UNI/551/2021).


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Author Biography

Alberto García-Aguilar, Universidad de La Laguna / Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

García-Aguilar holds a PhD in Art and Humanities from the Universidad de La Laguna. In the framework of the "Margarita Salas" postdoctoral program, belonging to the Ministry of Universities of the Government of Spain, he has carried out a research stay at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. His research interests focus on the relationship between literature and cinema and Spanish popular narrative. He has published several academic articles on these topics and has also participated in national and international congresses on these same issues. He has also edited the academic book Josefina de la Torre y su tiempo (Peter Lang, 2021) and the play El Enigma (Torremozas, 2021), by Josefina and Claudio de la Torre.


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How to Cite

García-Aguilar, A. (2024). Concha Méndez and the Cartoons: Walt Disney’s Silly Symphonies in El Carbón y la Rosa (1935). Philologica Canariensia, 30, 131–147.


