Is There a Quebec Macondo and Buendía in the Historical Novel at the End of the 20th Century in Quebec?


  • Ewelina Bujnowska Uniwersytet w Katowicach



magic realism, literature in Quebec, historical novel


In the present article, the term “magic realism” is applied to Quebec literature. First the author explains the concept in order to specify its distinctive features. Afterwards she analyses the historical novel La tribu by the Quebec writer, François Barcelo, trying to bring out its affinity to the Latin America’s aesthetic style. This examination contributes to enrich the analysis of Quebec literature with new aspects.


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Author Biography

Ewelina Bujnowska, Uniwersytet w Katowicach

Ewelina Bujnowska is a lecturer at the Institute of Romance Languages and Translation at Uniwersytet Śląski (Poland).


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How to Cite

Bujnowska, E. (2015). Is There a Quebec Macondo and Buendía in the Historical Novel at the End of the 20th Century in Quebec?. Philologica Canariensia, 20, 27–50.


