“Actors Are Quick to Kill”: Leopoldo Alas and His Critical Reaction Against Calderón’s Morals





Galdós, Clarín, honor, Calderón, criticism


In the context of the late nineteenth century, several liberal writers denounced, both through literature and in their critical writings, the archaic character of Calderón’s morals regarding revenge for dishonor. Similar examples in the works of Leopoldo Alas and Benito Perez Galdós allow us to analyze the ways in which the intelligentsia of their time rejected the logic of revenge and proposed new models of reaction to the possible transgression of adultery. However, Clarín’s critical articles against Calderón in 1881, the 200th anniversary of his death, reveal certain contradictions in the liberal side about the cultural heritage of the Golden Age canon.


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Author Biography

Mariano Saba, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Mariano Saba holds a PhD in Literature from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is a regular Assistant Professor of Spanish Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the same university. He is an Assistant Researcher at CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research) with a study on "Leopoldo Alas 'Clarín' frente al teatro del Siglo de Oro: afirmación crítica e ironía narrativa en su apreciación del drama barroco".


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How to Cite

Saba, M. (2016). “Actors Are Quick to Kill”: Leopoldo Alas and His Critical Reaction Against Calderón’s Morals. Philologica Canariensia, 22, 89–103. https://doi.org/10.20420/PhilCan.2016.104


