Female characters transformation into experimental poetry




poetry, children's and youth literature, feminism


This proposal is part of the research on the learning possibilities offered by creativity in literary education of teachers in training. It is an experience of innovation in which the students had to start from the analysis of a female character of the LIJ and the postulates of didactics of the literature studied, to transform the character into experimental poetry and accompany it with a didactic proposal for a determined educational context. Throughout the creative process they reflected on different social and philosophical issues, among which gender issues played a prominent role. From the triangulation of the qualitative data collected, it was possible to verify the beneficial relationship between creation and critical thinking in a context of literary education, as well as to observe how the female characters promoted reflection on gender equality, femininity and feminism.


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How to Cite

Contreras Barceló, E. (2022). Female characters transformation into experimental poetry: doi.org/10.20420/ElGuiniguada.2022.510. El G U I N I G U a D a, (31), 119–132. Retrieved from https://ojsspdc.ulpgc.es/ojs/index.php/ElGuiniguada/article/view/1433


