Respuestas Fisiológicas a la ansiedad y diferencias de Género en la Producción Oral en Segundas Lenguas



Ansiedad, Producción oral en segundas lenguas, Respuestas fisiológicas, género


The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between physiological responses to anxiety and gender variable in second language oral performance. This research project investigates the conceptualization of second language anxiety in the context of oral production, considering physiological responses to anxiety and differences derived from gender on foreign language speaking anxiety. There were 371 participants in the study, 185 female and 186 male participants. Among the participants there were 313 students at the University of Cordoba, Spain, studying ESP, 23 teachers at the University of Cordoba taking an ESP course and 8 administration and services staff.  A questionnaire (CAEX) was administered to participants. Results of the quantitative data in this research show that female learners demonstrated higher levels of anxiety than male learners. The results of this study help teachers to select their teaching and testing strategies more effectively according to the gender of learners.


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How to Cite

García Marín, L., Gómez-Parra, M. E., & Huertas-Abril, C. A. (2022). Respuestas Fisiológicas a la ansiedad y diferencias de Género en la Producción Oral en Segundas Lenguas: El G U I N I G U a D a, (31), 41–53. Retrieved from



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